The beautiful restaurant that happens to have good food.

I admit it. Even if the food were crap, I would still patronize the beautiful restaurant during nice weather. Fortunately for us, the food happens to be very, very good. 


Thank you, Mother Nature, for a wonderful day.

High temperature today was 26 degrees. That's not bad at all. Thank you, Mother Nature, for this precious gift. I've been meaning to get down to กระโทก / Krathok (โชคชัย / Chokchai), and today it happened. 

What a nice little town! I parked the bike at บึงกระโทก / Lake Kratoke and had a walk-around. What happens if you drink a whole pot of Earl Grey tea? Yep. I paid three baht (less than 10 cents) to use the restroom near the playground across the street. It's the first time I've paid in a while, but fair enough. The system works. The people who operate the restroom make enough money to keep it clean, and it was clean.

I have now visited Krathok town center in a very limited fashion. Not a problem because I intend to go back, maybe next time all the way down to ครบุรี / Khon Buri, as well...

Lake Kratoke

Fruit and vegetable market

Thao Suranaree monument

Appears to have been a lot of Chinese immigration to this town back in the day.

124 kilometer loop today. My longest ever here.

Thank you, Yamaha Motor Company.
The Exciter 155 is a mighty little beast.
No regrets on my purchase decision.

Negative Covid test to start the day.
If I have Covid, I have Covid.
But there's no reason to give it to someone who could die from it.



Sunset before a week of (relatively) cool weather.

It's 24 degrees at 20:22, on its way down to 17 by 06:00 tomorrow morning. This is like heaven for me, and it's supposed to last for a week. Here's the sunset that introduced this weather.


Just this one time for Christmas (until the next time...).

When I first saw the quality fruitcake at Central Plaza a couple of weeks ago, I looked at the price and walked on. Today, I looked a bit closer. They still had the big fruitcakes for USD 35. But I found a smaller (410 gram) iced fruitcake for USD 17. I was going to wait until tomorrow morning to try it out, but sha-la-la-la-la-la, live for today... (It's no wonder I am Fat Bastard...) In my defense, I did a pretty decent bicycle ride earlier this evening.

20221212-2018 edit: This UK fruitcake is very different than the fruitcakes I was accustomed to in California. One thing is certain: It will have to be consumed with coffee or tea. It does not taste right without.



The lake at Suranaree University of Technology

Just after you enter the SUT (Suranaree University of Technology) campus via gate 1, there is a very nice lake.

It has occurred to me recently, after not driving a car for a year, that I need to maintain my driving skills in case of an emergency. On this day, at the parking lot for this lake, I felt it--just like Jack Black having to take a solo in School of Rock. I got behind the wheel--on the right-hand side of the car, mind you--and drove around that beautiful campus for a while. My biggest issue was the same issue my partner had when she first switched over: I kept turning on the windshield wipers, the control for which is exactly where the turn signal control is in American cars.

I kept the rule, Do Not Hit or Be Hit, and the driving felt good. I shall do it again and again there--I hope...


December full moon visit to Wat Sala Loi.

After witnessing the brilliant full moon of December, it was time for another visit to วัดศาลาลอย / Wat Sala Loi. As always, there were bright colors in abundance. 

ป้า พร / Aunt Pohn was our wonderful neighbor when we first moved here. She has crossed over to the other side. It's fair to say that she was the primary thought on this visit, but something about Wat Sala Loi causes a greatest hits track of those who have gone before to play in my head. It's a good thing, though. When I come out of there, I feel very clearly my responsibility to live each and every day to its fullest. Those who have gone before me insist upon it.


I find myself sitting in salas.

As was the case at the temple in Sacramento, I can often be found sitting in various ศาลา / salas. Here's one at สระธรรมขันธ์ / Taamakan Pond. There was a guy fishing there when I arrived, so it does look promising as a potential fishing spot. It might be possible to sit in the sala while watching one's pole. We shall see.


Eating rancid walnuts: It only took me six to eight months to realize...

It turns out that eating rancid walnuts does, in fact, cause significant gastrointestinal distress. In the dry (most of the year) climate of California's Central Valley, I never imagined a rancid nut of any kind. Here in the hot, humid climate of Thailand, there is definitely a short shelf life for walnuts. From now on--after I throw away my remaining stock--I will be keeping my walnuts in the refrigerator.

The bright side of this affair, months of eating rancid walnuts, is that I now clearly recognize the smell of rancid walnuts. Safety first.


Hammock made of bamboo sections. Good for photo taking. Not good for sleeping.

This hammock made of bamboo sections looks nice.

It works well for sitting on to have your photo taken.

But for sleeping? No way.
It folds you in the middle.
Maybe the ropes could be adjusted so it doesn't sag so much?

Some nice koi fish, including some yellow ones I don't often see.


View from the gas station rest stop restaurant.


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...