Top box fitted: SHAD SH40 Cargo

As planned, I purchased and installed a SHAD SH40 Cargo top box on the toy motorcycle. 


  • *** Storage for rain gear / set of dry clothes. Crucial during soon-to-arrive rainy season.

  • Storage for expensive helmet, emergency roadside kit, small purchases

  • Safer feeling for passenger if I ever have one (haven't yet)

  • Makes me look even more like a Grab food delivery rider (positive anonymity)
  • Slightly harder to get on and off bike (but not significantly so)

  • Harder to lane split. Top box is high enough and wide enough that it will hit mirrors.

  • Probable negative effect on aerodynamics/performance. (Haven't rode with it on yet.)

I recognize that there is plenty of anti-top box sentiment in the motorcycling community. I am one of those who, having had a top box before, will always have a top box. Sorry about the look. It's function over form for me.



Caught short at Terminal 21: Not a problem.

Sometimes there are those days. I skipped the morning coffee. We went out to do an errand. Then we had an early lunch at the Terminal 21 food court. 

While shopping at the grocery store in the basement, it became painfully evident that there would be no making it home on this day. But a nasty Walmart bathroom experience this was not to be. I am in civilization now. My own stall with floor to ceiling walls. And a toilet that was a techno nerd's delight. The drying feature was an especially nice touch. Well-done!!! 

Thank you Terminal 21. I am your loyal customer.




I embrace my job in retirement.

It didn't take long after retirement for me to understand that my primary job is exercise / health. Is it healthy to exercise in a small, air-conditioned gym while Covid is still circulating? I will make no such claim. However, I finally had to do it. 

So grateful that my plantar fasciitis condition has improved to the point where I can get back on the elliptical machine. Be good to your feet, my friends. By that, I mean replace your old shoes with quality shoes in a timely manner. Just like eye glasses, footwear is not something to skimp on. 


A car is required: Allow me to present the 2021 Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid.

Coming from a smaller Toyota Yaris rental car, the 2021 Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid takes some getting used to as it feels quite big. The air conditioning works great, which might be the most important thing. At any rate, we are very grateful to have it. Still need to get it blessed by the monks for safety.


Forget all the others: Catfish Laab is the best.

Put your ลาบหมู / Pork Laab and ลาบไก่ / Chicken Laab to the side. It turns out that the tastiest laab of all is ลาบปลาดุก / Catfish Laab. Who knew? (Probably just about everyone in Northeast Thailand.)



New Year festival preparations: Removing monitor lizards from the moat.

In preparation for the New Year festival beginning on April 13th, it was necessary to remove the monitor lizards from the moat. Photos at Korat Next Step (Facebook page).



Watch your step

A blessed rainstorm brought in cooler temperatures (18 degrees now). But because of the rain, you have to watch your step. My photo provides not much sense of scale, but these snails are big!!!



One must coexist with the จิ้งจก / jingjok.

It needs some discipline. Yes. You saw the จิ้งจก / jingjok moving about. But still you must sleep. Still you must eat. Still you must live in your house.

The จิ้งจก / jingjok were here long before you arrived. The จิ้งจก / jingjok will be here long after you are gone. Late at night, when everyone else is sleeping soundly, it's just me and the จิ้งจก / jingjok. I think I would miss จิ้งจก / jingjok if they didn't show up.



ตลาดเทิดไท ตาลคู่ / Theutthai Dankoo Market: Fruits, Vegetables, and Seafood

We finally made it over to ตลาดเทิดไท ตาลคู่ / Theutthai Dankoo Market on this Sunday morning. It has at least three big buildings: one for fruit, one for vegetables, and one for seafood. I couldn't take many pictures because I was serving as a pack mule, and believe me when I tell you that I was loaded down. I hope two people can eat all that we bought before it goes bad. 

With the exception of ขนมไข่หงส์ / swan eggs that I was "forced" to purchase because of a fond memory of a ยาย /granny-related ไข่หงส์ / swan eggs experience at the สถานีขนส่งเชียงราย / Chiang Rai bus station, everything we bought was healthy. Nice market. Nice sellers. Decent parking. We will go back.

When you buy the live shrimp, you get to scoop them up yourself as shown in the video below: (Note: You'll probably have to click a Play button twice to make the video play.)


Eureka!!! โรงแรมโคราช โฮเต็ล / Korat Hotel

I did it!!! I finally made it into Old Town, and I finally found the Korat Hotel. I stopped in and had a cup of tea. Nice place. Nice staff. Not enough customers in these Covid times. I am happy to support.

I like Old Town. It's much nicer for riding around. I think I can do it on a bicycle as well.



Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...