About those chin-ups at Hwabusan: I stabilized at one, and I'm grateful for that.

Well, I never made it to three chin-ups. After making it to two chin-ups, I backslid to zero in my next two attempts, first after the Greasy Fried Chicken disease, and then once again after that. (Not sure when exactly. The days run together.)

But on 20220903, I found myself back on Hwabusan, as usual, and I completed one chin-up. Not necessarily a proper chin-up, mind you, but a successful chin-up nevertheless, with my chin above the bar, even if there may or may not have been a bit of a jump start to get myself elevated.

Mark the scorecard as official. Male. Age 64. Can still do one chin-up. Is hopeful that he can still do one when he comes back next year, which he very much hopes to do.


Never before in history: Two apples in one day!!!

I don't think it's ever happened before, at least not that I can remember. Remember those six delicious, fresh-picked local apples I bought? Today, having eaten one for breakfast and one for a mid-afternoon snack, I am really looking forward to the health benefits. 

With three apples left, I'm thinking that when they're gone, I'm gone from Pine Tree City. Sad to think about, but that's the way things work. I can't stay here in The Healing City forever. 



Thank you, Gangneung Koryo Hospital. You are everything that healthcare should be in a civilized country.

Thank you, 강릉고려병원 / Gangneung Koryo Hospital for being everything that healthcare should be in a civilized country. Here's an actual case study from 2022 September.

64-year old bald foreigner presents complaining of right foot pain and swelling. He speaks Korean, but it's archaic. Sounds like it's from about 30 or 40 years ago. Says he can't hear well. Please speak loudly when you call his name.

We get his passport and check him in. We try to send him upstairs to the 정형외과, but he has no idea what we're saying. He knows it's a particular department, but he has no idea which one. We have noticed this with foreigners before. Even if they speak Korean, they don't know their medical terminology--not unless they've worked in a hospital. We walk him on up there and sit him down.

Before too long, we call him into the doctor's office for a visual exam. Then we send him down to the X-ray department. With assistance from our skilled X-ray team, he handles that part okay, and reports back up to Orthopedics. Shortly after, he sits with the doctor and gets to look at the X-rays. All good!!!

We send him back downstairs, where he wanders around a bit talking about medication. That's not the way it works, Old Bro. You pay first, and then you'll get your medication. We bring him over to the right desk, and he pays his bill with cash. Seems a bit old school, this guy, but whatever. We send him to the drugstore, a bit concerned about whether he can find it at the back of the building, but he assures us that he can. Mutters something about being deaf but not blind.

On the camera, we watch him go into the private drugstore (not our hospital drugstore), where the kind shopkeeper redirects him. He goes into our hospital pharmacy, pays his money, and listens intently as the pharmacist gives him instructions on how to take the seven-day course of medication. The old guy either understands, or pretends to understand, and it's not a big deal either way because we label the medicine so well that it's nearly impossible to screw it up.

Last time we saw him on camera, he was sitting in front of the hospital taking his first round of medication. We watched him puzzle it out, and he finally got it right. Shouldn't have took him so long, but he did get it done.

Total time for his visit: 1.5 hours

Total cost, including seven-day course of medication: U.S.$51

Patient status: Just a random old foreigner off the street. No insurance. Not even a telephone number.

Gangneung Koryo Hospital, where we provide decent healthcare to all at a reasonable cost.

My hearing sucks in public spaces. I continue to push paper at them to improve communication. For those with children who speak Korean, show them this and tell them: "If you don't spend the time, you'll end up writing like this, and it's pretty embarrassing."

No more of my dumbass explanations. Just the numbers.

Major score: Fresh-picked apples from Grandma and Grandpa's farm truck.

There I was strolling along the south end of Wolhwaro Walking Path, when I spotted Grandma and Grandpa selling fresh red apples from the farm truck. As you can imagine, I jumped right on that. Due to travel schedules, I only wanted three, but Grandma was amazingly kind and generous. I ended up with six. The price? The low-budget traveller nonsense? F all that. It's unseemly. There's not been one deal I've made in this town that hasn't been fair, even in the heavily touristed parts.

I didn't have to ask to taste the apples before purchase. It was automatically offered as part of the square deal fruit selling they do here, just like with watermelon. The sample was excellent, but when I had my first full apple for dessert back in the box that evening, it was truly the best apple I've had in decades--probably since I was living in Korea decades ago. 

Let me see... What do I not like about Gangneung and Gangwon Province? Nope. Can't think of anything. It's all good.


Cafe society: I remember coffee shops.

Oh, yeah. Coffee shops. And tea rooms. Not many of those left. Mostly coffee shops, and plenty of them competing with each other here in Pine Tree City. In fact, I've spotted at least two barista academies while just wandering around. But it's tea for me on this rainy day--peach Earl Grey, to be exact. Thank you, Typhoon Hinnamnor. I like this cool, wet weather here in the bowl of the mountains.

Right across from the train station, with a view of Hwabusan mountain. What's not to like?




I think I'll be taking my sunsets at Wolhwaro Walking Street Bridge.

I cannot pretend to understand the science behind Gangneung sunsets, but I will describe them as spectacular. You've got one kind of clouds over the mountains to the west, another kind over the mountains to the south, and a different kind in blue skies towards the ocean (east). 

When the sunset performance is over, the people in charge light up the walking street. On the weekends, as on this Friday night, there's likely to be a free concert by the 1000-year-old plus ginkgo tree. Tonight's highlight: a group of 15 to 20 trumpet players doing a great version of 신중현과  뮤직파워's / Shin Jung-Hyeon and Music Power's 1980 masterpiece 아름다운 강산 / Beautiful Rivers and Mountains. My Korea 2022 playlist is coming together.

The Kia Ray. I'm sorry, but I like it.

View from the laundromat.

Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...