Bicycles are finally in pretty good shape.

In a previous post about how retirees have time for proper maintenance, I challenged you to check the chains on our bicycles and motorcycle. I claimed that they were all within spec--always. 

That claim was less than completely accurate. When I finally got around to checking the bicycle chains today, they were still sufficiently lubricated. The problem was dirt. The chains were less than adequately clean. No more. I cleaned and lubed them both.

Then I cleaned both bicycles, possibly for the first time. I take decent care of my motorcycles. I don't know why I felt like it was okay to neglect the bicycles.  They were covered with dust. They did not look very good. Now they look sharp. 

Hopefully, this is the start of me taking proper care of the bicycles, which continue to serve us well.



Wat Sala Loi visit. Always so many colors.

On approximately the anniversary of Mom's birthday, and at least two other family heavenly birthdays, a visit to วัดศาลาลอย / Wat Sala Loi was in order.

If you had told me that I was going to enjoy a man-made waterfall, I would not have believed you. And yet, I have greatly enjoyed my sittings in the man-made waterfall area at Wat Sala Loi. They have now added some mist/fog machines that add to the ambiance.


Garden proud? Mother Nature has something for that.

Spending quite a bit of time working in the garden now that it's possible to be outside. Sad discovery today--huge, green with a white stripe, plant-eating worms. An extremely worthy opponent, to be sure. At least five of them that we found were relocated. The ones we didn't find will inevitably continue their plant eating.

Bonus: Another one of the many toad frogs out and about in this season.



Sunset front and back views

Two views of today's sunset, one from the front of the house, and one from the back of the house.


Loy Krathong at Central Plaza Korat

Ten days of Loy Krathong festivities at Central Plaza in Korat. For me, the best part was watching kids feed the pigs and baby pigs. They feed the pigs using baby bottles of milk provided by vendors. Lots of good food on offer for humans as well, of course.



Remarkably red sunset

It was a remarkably red sunset on Sunday 20221030. As usual, my poor photos do not do it justice.


Phut Sa Lake

It took me three tries, but I finally found my way to บึงพุดซา  / Phut Sa Lake. This may have been a reservoir built way back in the Khmer Empire days. I came across at least one such reference online. It's certainly within the realm of possibility as there are plenty of Khmer civilization remnants in the area.

Phut Sa Lake looks like it would be difficult to fish in due to the way the bank is covered with massive vegetation as it slopes down to the water. I translated the Thai word บึง as "lake," but it might be more properly rendered as swamp/marsh/bog, which is what it appears to be more than a lake. 

บ้านพุดซา / Baan Phut Sa, the community surrounding the lake, is nice. I'm sure I'll be visiting often as it's becoming a favorite motorcycle route.


Temporarily seven-legged Halloween spider

Came across this (temporarily) seven-legged spider on the street in front of the house on Halloween. As I understand it, leg number eight will be regenerated soon.



Season of the toads

It seems that this time of the year, after the rainy season has ended, is the time of the toads. We are seeing quite a few of them, and they are very big.


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...