I have divorced Google Maps; I intend to marry Google Earth.

I have divorced Google Maps due to irreconcilable differences. I do not hide the fact that I have been seeing Google Earth, who I intend to marry. How could I not love an app that delivers me to my destination when I'm walking about, wherever I am in the world.

A recent example: Once again, I found myself in need of a laundromat. Google Earth didn't take me to just any run of the mill laundromat on some busy street. Oh, no. She did much better than that. She took me to an excellent laundromat in perhaps the most beautiful setting in the world for a laundromat. "Photos or it didn't happen," you say. 


P.S. My thanks to the kind laundromat owner and the kind fellow customer, both of whom helped me out. I sure am running into a lot of kindness here.

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