View from our Myeongdong hotel room window.

Here's the view from our 명동 / 明洞 / Myeongdong hotel room. People often tell me: "Jerry. You sure know how to pick them." 

And they're right. I picked another good value hotel in an excellent location. The decent free breakfast is like a cherry on top.



목캔디 Since 1978. Accept no substitutes.

I began eating 목캔디 / Throat Candy in 1978. Who knows how many years it was around before that. It is comforting to me when that which existed decades ago continues to exist. 

Thank you, Lotte Corporation, for keeping 목캔디 the same as it ever was and as it ever shall be. Amen!!!


Corn Boy rides again!!!

It's a variation of a tiresome saw I know. You can take the boy out of the corn, but you can't take the corn out of the boy. Some folks call me Corn Boy, and that's alright by me.



Once again, as always, I praise the excellence of the Korea Post.

Like the dumbass I often am, I hesitated for some time to take my failed Seagate hard drive to the post office. Instead, I hoped to find some kind of mail store where they would pack it and mail it for me. 

Perhaps I forgot where I was. "You're back in Korea, boy!!! And Korea has one of the best postal systems in the world. No mail stores are needed because the post office does it all--with excellence."

And so they did. The super nice and helpful post office lady did it all for me. Got me the box and bubble wrap. Typed in the address and printed out the shipping label. Had me take a photo of a bar code to take to the counter. Went to the counter. Paid and done. So quick. So easy because of all the assistance. 

I salute you, Korea Post. You always were the best and still you are.



Black and white sky at sunset.

I mean, these were color photos, but the sky was full of mostly blacks and grays as rain clouds continued to move through the area. I am not, would not, could not complain about rain. Bring it--as much as the farmers need.


Blue was the evening sky...


A most excellent Sunday at Terminal 21 mall.

Thailand has no shortage of skilled and creative designers of exhibits. Headlining Terminal 21's activities this past Sunday was the Blooming Tulips Fest with Orchids Too. Plookpanya School was there with some colorful clay-making for kids, and some excellent music performances by students. 

There was a big Taekwondo tournament up in the hall on the top floor. Last but not least was a small animal exhibit, including capybaras, the world's largest rodent?

It wasn't too long ago that it was very hard to drag me to a mall, with me kicking and screaming the whole time. Now you can't keep me out of there. 

Some orchids were accidentally purchased for planting at home.

Plookpanya School was helping kids make beautiful things from a Play-Doh-like substance.

The big Taekwondo tournament in the hall on the top floor.

The Food Court, where I am happy to eat anytime.

Supposedly a type of porcupine that supposedly has non-detachable quills.

A capybara, so I was told...

I dubbed them Leopard Cats. Possible Bengal Cats.



A brand new electric car for in-town use: US$ 12,000

I guess this was my first time seeing the Wuling Air EV. It's like a miniature version of my greatly missed Honda Element, albeit with an electric-only powertrain that limits it to in-town use. I should like to have a green one, please.

This one is actually green.
Google needs to check camera software on their Google Pixel 4a phone.
My old, tired eyes know what they saw.
It was green, and it was good.


Another moon cake: Nice design, but not particularly tasty.

One more moon cake from S&P. This was the basic lotus seed version. On the plus side, it had a very nice design stamped on it, instead of the S&P branding. On the minus side, it did not taste particularly good. As a connoisseur of junk food, I rate it as: So-so.


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...