No equipment retired before its time...

Never throw away a piece of equipment before its time, I always say. About a year ago, I lost the "1" and "2" keys in the upper left corner of the keyboard. No problem for the missing "1" and "2" because the Qosmio has an additional numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard. But I can guarantee you that you will need the "@" symbol all the time for typing email addresses. And the "!" exclamation mark that I overuse in triplicate all the time was a frequent issue as well.

Good soldier that I try to be, I worked around the missing keys for as long as I could stand it. Cleaning under the broken keys changed nothing. So I took it to my computer guy at Terminal 21 mall. He confirmed that the only way to fix it was to replace the keyboard. China's supply chain came through for me, at a cost of US$30 for a replacement keyboard (backlit).

My computer guy swapped the keyboard for a charge of US$3.00. For a total of US$33.00, the Toshiba Qosmio is back to normal operation. And for whatever crazy reason or non-reason, that makes me very happy indeed.



NTR (nothing to report): HOT!!!

In this period of time, the hottest season of the year, I have absolutely nothing to report. It is indeed hot. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar or a masochist.


For my vintage gear buddies: NATIONAL solid state TV.

It would have been nice to have a look inside this old NATIONAL solid state TV. Spotted in a hotel lobby the night we spent in a hotel because of a busted water main in the housing estate.


Chronicler of sunsets: Just doing his job...



New moon rising.



Sunset at the housing estate park.

Here's a sunset photo from our housing estate park.


For my TLLB: Read the sign!!!

For my failure to completely read the sign, I was fined US$ 11. I guess that's fair enough. I properly read the English part "BUY 1 GET 1 FREE". So I picked up a Chunky Monkey and a Cherry Garcia.

But did I read the Thai word under BEN? No, I did not. And for that, I was fined. I have no complaint. I deserved a fat tax for buying Ben & Jerry's ice cream in the first place.



Red sunset.


Feeling superior...

There I was, probably in The Mall Korat, sitting and eating my peanut cookies as I watched people eat their McDonald's "food". I admit to feeling highly superior at the time. (Not feeling so superior today after a US$ 22 Ben and Jerry's ice cream crime. Cherry Garcia if you're interested in this type of food crime.)

I wanted to warn them: "Don't do it! That food is nasty!"
But my flabby, sallow, out-of-shape self had the self-awareness to stand down.
Especially while stuffing my gob with peanut cookies...


Once more to Phimai Historical Park.

I never tire of visiting Phimai Historical Park. I would be very interested in hiking the old road from Angkor Wat to Phimai, but much of the old road has vanished with the passage of time (The Great Eraser). 

Letting Christmas linger... 20230220


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...