Feeling superior...

There I was, probably in The Mall Korat, sitting and eating my peanut cookies as I watched people eat their McDonald's "food". I admit to feeling highly superior at the time. (Not feeling so superior today after a US$ 22 Ben and Jerry's ice cream crime. Cherry Garcia if you're interested in this type of food crime.)

I wanted to warn them: "Don't do it! That food is nasty!"
But my flabby, sallow, out-of-shape self had the self-awareness to stand down.
Especially while stuffing my gob with peanut cookies...


Once more to Phimai Historical Park.

I never tire of visiting Phimai Historical Park. I would be very interested in hiking the old road from Angkor Wat to Phimai, but much of the old road has vanished with the passage of time (The Great Eraser). 

Letting Christmas linger... 20230220


For my TLLB: Here's one for you.

For my Thai language learning buddies, a modest challenge.


A successful circumnavigation of Old Town Korat.

As of 20230218, I have successfully circumnavigated Old Town Korat. There is a moat all the way around the old city, and I walked all the way around inside the moat. Photos are in reverse chronological order because the geniuses at Google provide me no other option.

The statue of Thao Suranaree / Ya Mo / Grandma Mo.

The clock tower. Every town has one.

I can assure you that this is not an otter...

I was doing pretty good on my retirement job, but then...

Then the air turned to shit. I had better learn to like the fitness room because exercising outdoors is not an option these days. (I think we're on day three or four of being stuck inside.)



At the clubhouse swimming pool...

Sometimes I remember to count my blessings: We are damn lucky to have access to this swimming pool and fitness center. I will continue to enjoy outdoor exercise as long as this weather lasts... Grateful!!!


A rare sunrise sighting...

Once in a while, it happens. I see the sunrise. And it is magnificent. I should do it more often, to be sure. Plenty of time for the old grizzled retiree to sleep in the heat of the day.



Hua Thale and east along one of the canals.

There I was moping about, "It's so hot. Blah. Blah. Blah." But then I realized that a high temperature of 33 degrees with only 60% humidity was going to be as good as it gets for a while. I've always wanted to explore หัวทะเล / Hua Thale. So I did. 

I started at บึงหัวทะเล / Hua Thale Marsh, which was impressively big. Plenty of people fishing there (without shade). Then I followed a small canal all the way to Friendship Road. I hope all the residents along the canal are okay with me cutting through their neighborhoods. I mean no harm. 

I feel like they might think of me like the motorcycle rider in the in the Jonathan Glazer film Under the Skin, even though I am not like that guy at all, But how could the residents know that? It must be very strange to them to see a guy riding the canals wearing full motorcycle safety gear. The truth, if I had a way to tell them, is that I just like being out in the rice fields. I have always liked being out in the rice fields.



Dan Khun Thot: More travel while the weather is good.

Squeezed in another trip before the relatively cool weather is gone. ด่านขุนทด / Dan Khun Thot is a nice little town. They have one of the biggest lakes I've seen for a small-size town. If you were to walk all the way around it, you could call that your exercise for the day. Nice market area and downtown. Nice people.


Ride to โนนสูง / Non Sung.

I had been wanting to ride up to โนนสูง / Non Sung for some time. I took advantage of some rare, relatively cool weather. (Not melting hot.) Non Sung is a nice town. The train station features prominently. Google Maps took me to the Non Sung train station three times as I attempted to go even further north. I guess I'll save that area for another ride maybe next year when there's another week or two of good weather.

Non Sung clock tower across from the train station

I wonder why the air quality is so bad today?

Did you ever take a photo and then later thought: "I have no idea where I took this?"
Google can help you with that.
Joho Lake, near the coffee shop.
Thank you, weather gods, for letting me exercise outside.

Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...