December full moon visit to Wat Sala Loi.

After witnessing the brilliant full moon of December, it was time for another visit to วัดศาลาลอย / Wat Sala Loi. As always, there were bright colors in abundance. 

ป้า พร / Aunt Pohn was our wonderful neighbor when we first moved here. She has crossed over to the other side. It's fair to say that she was the primary thought on this visit, but something about Wat Sala Loi causes a greatest hits track of those who have gone before to play in my head. It's a good thing, though. When I come out of there, I feel very clearly my responsibility to live each and every day to its fullest. Those who have gone before me insist upon it.


I find myself sitting in salas.

As was the case at the temple in Sacramento, I can often be found sitting in various ศาลา / salas. Here's one at สระธรรมขันธ์ / Taamakan Pond. There was a guy fishing there when I arrived, so it does look promising as a potential fishing spot. It might be possible to sit in the sala while watching one's pole. We shall see.


Eating rancid walnuts: It only took me six to eight months to realize...

It turns out that eating rancid walnuts does, in fact, cause significant gastrointestinal distress. In the dry (most of the year) climate of California's Central Valley, I never imagined a rancid nut of any kind. Here in the hot, humid climate of Thailand, there is definitely a short shelf life for walnuts. From now on--after I throw away my remaining stock--I will be keeping my walnuts in the refrigerator.

The bright side of this affair, months of eating rancid walnuts, is that I now clearly recognize the smell of rancid walnuts. Safety first.


Hammock made of bamboo sections. Good for photo taking. Not good for sleeping.

This hammock made of bamboo sections looks nice.

It works well for sitting on to have your photo taken.

But for sleeping? No way.
It folds you in the middle.
Maybe the ropes could be adjusted so it doesn't sag so much?

Some nice koi fish, including some yellow ones I don't often see.


View from the gas station rest stop restaurant.



A quad of toad frogs.

Not just one or two or three, but a grand total of four toad frogs tonight. I suspect there is something going on in Toad World, but I'm not sure exactly what. You can be sure that as a conscientious retiree, I will continue to monitor the toad frog situation closely.



Let's put our processed food substances in a nice package and sell it as a holiday gift.

You can put Oreos and Ritz crackers in a nice package. You can then sell that package as a Christmas gift. But doing so does not change the fact that this stuff is not fit for human consumption. 

They may get away with this gift package idea here. I don't think it would fly in the United States, where people recognize these cookies and crackers as the crap, processed food substances that they are.


A very large snail travelling at a relatively fast pace.

I regret that there is nothing in this video to give you a sense of scale in order to see how large this snail actually is. You would not want to step on one of these.


I was--briefly--the king of the world at the swimming pool on December 1st.

One day the swimming pool will be crowded. That is not today when there are only a few families living in this newly built housing estate. We are the only people who use the swimming pool at night. 


A somewhat pinkish sunset?


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...