The charge: Being a "blogger" / The plea: Technically, yes, but...

I have been charged with being a "blogger." I recognize that any jury of reasonable people would convict me of this charge. However, I plead: "Yes, but..." I mean, yes, I am posting posts on this blog site that Google so generously provides for me. But I'm not a blogger. I'm just on a crusade against Facebook, and I have to share my stuff with family and friends somewhere, and this is the place for now.

I admit that things sometimes get out of hand, with me addressing the hundreds of thousands of Microsoft and Google employees at locations around the world. Not to worry. They know not of my existence, and it wouldn't matter if they did anyway. To them, I am but a source of feedback--sometimes accurate and sometimes not--and trouble tickets. That is as it should be. 

Nevertheless, if there are any young Googlers or Microsofties who dare to be my low-budget travel companions, please step right up. There would be justice in this world if you were to feel the pain of your own products. Torture apps indeed!!!

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