Got both motorcycle and car driving licenses.

No photos of my brand new Private Motorcycle Driving License or my Private Car Driving License. (two completely separate licenses) I will never understand why people post photos of such documents. It's like they're screaming, "Identity theft me, please."

At any rate, it was a good day in the Conner family's นครราชสีมา / Nakhon Ratchasima household. Props to the spouse for planning and executing the entire mission, with me merely tagging along for the most part. I did manage a hopefully decent ไหว้ / wai to the excellent DLT (Department of Land Transport) employee upon receiving the licenses. After observing the five or six people who went before me, it was easy to understand the appropriateness of the gesture. It felt good, possibly the first time in a month here where I could confidently execute a proper social behavior. 

The future's so bright I gotta wear shades, I guess one could say.

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Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

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