The Moth

Life is short for a moth, no longer than six months apparently. I hope this one was okay. It was lying down on the stairs to the fitness center. Hopefully, like my own self, just a moment of disorientation?



The addict's syrup...

I recently took four or five days off of coffee. I'm back on it now. If caffeine were not a drug, it would not be listed in all the drug handbooks used by medical professionals.

I haven't brewed a cup of coffee in months. For now, it remains ice coffee, and ice coffee only. Forget about those little cans of UCC Black I used to purchase. I found a more economical way to get my twice or thrice a day fix. 

A drug addict I may be, but a thrifty one. If Benjamin Franklin is looking down on me from above, I hope he approves.

UCC Artisan's Coffee - No Sugar
USD 3.70 for 900 ml bottle



กิ้งกือ / The Great Millipede.

WARNING: Do NOT play this video if you are sensitive to earthy things like large crawling bugs and worms.


A millipide the size of a small snake!!! It was heading towards me fast as I filmed. I stayed with the shot as long as I safely could. Country boy safety protocols were followed...

Estimated length: 15 to 18 cm


แห่เทียนโคราช / Korat Candle Parade.

2023 annual แห่เทียนโคราช / Korat Candle Parade. As indicated by the word "candle" in the name of the parade, the floats are made of wax. They have to hose them down with water during the day to keep them from melting. They should hose me down too because I'm melting like so many others in so many places. Hot!!!


พิมาย / Phimai abides again...

Back up to พิมาย / Phimai again for a few days. You probably get tired of hearing about Phimai, but I haven't yet gotten tired of going there. พิมายสุดยอด!!!

2023 August 2nd-5th

น้ำตกวัดศาลาลอย / Wat Sala Loi Waterfall.

    You might have to press Play twice to play the video below.
        Once to load the video and then again to actually play it.
            (At least I do using Windows 11...)


Jerry-rigged: You make do with what you've got...



Spectacular skies continue...

Spectacular skies continue here. As a chronicler of sunsets and rainbows (and the occasional sunrise), I continue to observe and report.


I see green and blue and white.

Spectacular skies of late, with wonderful shades of blue and fluffy white cotton candy clouds. Everything here is green in the rainy season. Complaints? None to report.


I am confident that even I could catch some fish here...

Of late, my skills as a fisherman have been called into question. Something about too many trips of catching zero fish. Something about my being unable to thread living, writhing earthworms onto a fishing hook. There is something to it. I used to catch more. I used to thread worms onto the hook without a thought.

Still, while not the fisherman I once was, I am confident that even I could catch some fish at the pond shown in the video below.


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...