A quad of toad frogs.

Not just one or two or three, but a grand total of four toad frogs tonight. I suspect there is something going on in Toad World, but I'm not sure exactly what. You can be sure that as a conscientious retiree, I will continue to monitor the toad frog situation closely.



Let's put our processed food substances in a nice package and sell it as a holiday gift.

You can put Oreos and Ritz crackers in a nice package. You can then sell that package as a Christmas gift. But doing so does not change the fact that this stuff is not fit for human consumption. 

They may get away with this gift package idea here. I don't think it would fly in the United States, where people recognize these cookies and crackers as the crap, processed food substances that they are.


A very large snail travelling at a relatively fast pace.

I regret that there is nothing in this video to give you a sense of scale in order to see how large this snail actually is. You would not want to step on one of these.


I was--briefly--the king of the world at the swimming pool on December 1st.

One day the swimming pool will be crowded. That is not today when there are only a few families living in this newly built housing estate. We are the only people who use the swimming pool at night. 


A somewhat pinkish sunset?



Red is the sunset on this rainy evening.

I mean a very nice red that started out kind of light and then just got darker and darker.

Photos below are in reverse chronological order. (Because Google does not give me a way to control sort order when importing photos.)


It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.

My partner put the tree up on 20221128. I guess she felt it. We'll just have to go dark on 20221207, Pearl Harbor Day. At any rate, I like seeing the tree. Next up is the yard, including a huge Christmas tree in front of the house.

It was easy to decide where to put the tree.
Only one location was possible.



Jingjoks: They sure do put themselves in unfortunate situations.

Disclaimer: Photos deliberately NOT provided.

This morning started with a bit of unpleasantness here in Nakhon Ratchasima. My partner found a dead jingjok (small gecko lizard) in the track of the sliding window. the one by the kitchen table. We share dirty duties depending on who is less freaked out by a particular situation. In this case, the duty fell on me.

Extracting the body of the jingkok was difficult due to the narrowness of the window track. Tweezers would have worked perfectly, but I wasn't going to pick up a days-old jingjok body (still soft) with any of our tweezers. Now that I think about it, needle-nose pliers would have worked well. Too late now.

The ants had already discovered the jingjok body, and were going about their business. Not so bad. Just ants. But what were those white things that look like grains of rice? They're moving? Oh, shit! Maggots!!! 

I finally got the jingjok body onto a paper towel using the blade of a thin box cutter. I took the body outside to its final resting place. Fortunately for me, while I was doing that, my partner went after the writhing maggots (not so many... only three or four... that I saw...). I am so glad I didn't have to do that part. 

It was a team effort. The entire area has been sanitized. Breakfast was completed. There are many and diverse creatures here--even in town. But let there be many and diverse creatures. So it must always be here on this plashy earth. This morning gives us promise of a glorious day.



I thought: "There's something strange about that cloud..."

And I was right. Underneath the big white cloud were some very dark clouds, and it turned into a lightning show with a touch of thunder, followed by a brief windstorm, and ending with some toy rain. Still, it knocked the temperature down from 28 to 26 degrees, and I would normally be grateful for that, but it sure would be nice if the rain could hold off until the farmers finish harvesting this year's crop of rice.


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...