I HAD TO go to Namsan first to pay my respects

Perhaps you don't understand how this works. There was no choice. I HAD TO go to 남산 / 南山 / Namsan first in order to pay my respects to the 산신 / 山神 / mountain gods. And I HAD TO go to one of my favorite places from back in the day. Was it as good as it was before? No, it wasn't. It was even better than I remembered it.

Namsan is the place to start when you visit Seoul. The observation area is perfectly set up and marked to help you learn or remember which mountain is which--and many mountains there are--big, serious, ancient mountains. If you've lived here before, you'll see the landmarks: big hotels and buildings, bridges over the Han River, neighborhoods and parks. If you're navigationally challenged like me, you might even understand for the first time where in Seoul you once lived.

Where you once lived... It's hard to believe if you think about it. But maybe that's how I feel about every place I've ever lived. It makes me think about my all-encompassing theory, The Thai Stick of Life, but that's a theory for another day.

I got right up next to the Ambassador Hotel,
and it began to look more and more familiar.
Lots of walks to and from this place, including ice-cold winter walks.

Note: Reopened in 2022 January after a comprehensive 18-month renovation.
It doesn't necessarily look like it once did.

A Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.
Better building, design, and seating areas than I've ever seen in California.
Who knew that the Dongguk University area was so nice?

Hello, Namsan Tower, my old friend.
It's very good to see you once again.

Return to Seoul

On 20220908, I returned to Seoul for the first time since January 2007, a gap of more than 15 years. There have been some changes. In the Dongdaemun area where I'm staying, it was hard to find some regular Korean food for dinner. (I finally did.) It's going to be easy to find some freshly baked Samarkand bread for breakfast.

The people? Well, the people in Gangneung were all very nice. Here in Seoul, as in LA, NYC, and other megalopolises--not so much. I need to rediscover my gnarly, big city self.

There's that Namsan Tower. Destination for tomorrow?

I remember the Ambassador Hotel. Still there.

I am supposed to be a chronicler of sunsets...

Dongdaemun Gate
I agree it would look better without all the cars.

I would be very interested in trying some Uzbek tea.
After Gangneung, I'm pretty much coffee'd out.

Seoul City Wall Museum is nearby. Probably worth a look.

The view from my window.

9.62 kg doesn't sound like much, but it feels pretty heavy on my back walking around.

Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...