From relatively sudden Covid retirement to actual retirement

You know how after a relatively sudden Covid retirement some of us kept our LinkedIn profiles showing availability for various work? It felt realistic at the time. I mean, I thought maybe I really would do some technical writing, some SharePoint, or some translation.

Well... Somebody contacted me about some SharePoint work, and I thought: "FTS. Deadlines. Confusion. Stress. Struggling to overcome technical obstacles. No thanks." And I removed it from my LinkedIn profile.

Then somebody contacted me about translation work. I looked into the pay and learned that it pays by the word, pretty much peanuts really. So I thought: "FTS. Deadlines. Strife. Trying to translate other people's poorly written first drafts. For chump change. No thanks." And I removed it from my LinkedIn profile.

I'm still listed as available for technical writing/editing jobs. We'll see what happens if someone contacts me for that. As things stand, it appears that I may, in fact, be well and truly retired.

Orange wing-tipped butterfly

Another butterfly sighting at the plant nursery. This time, an orange wing-tipped butterfly.



AIS fiber installation

Not sure if any of my SureWest peeps stop by here, but they were all a great bunch of people. For them and for you, a few photos from my AIS fiber installation.

AIS fiber truck with bamboo ladders on top

For the record, the three AIS field service technicians did an excellent job. Post-installation, there was nothing I had to fix. So far, so good with AIS fiber Internet service. Wi-Fi coverage is good throughout the house and most of the yard.

Purple/blue -dotted butterfly

Sighted my first purple/blue-dotted butterfly. 



I'm not declaring war, but this does change our relationship.

จิ้งจก / jingjok pooped on my laptop. Not very considerate, but I guess that's what I get for leaving the Qosmio in their favorite pooping spot. Two types of จิ้งจก / jingjok repellent have been tried, with negative results.


The mantis returns



Senior nerds: 64 going on 14

It's Christmas year round in this senior nerd's office.


The orange beetle

After a rain shower, we found this orange beetle on the footpath (sidewalk). It is not small, about the size of a U.S. quarter coin. 


Thank you, drivers of Thailand.

I did not imagine that I owed the drivers of Thailand a debt of gratitude. But I do. Thank you, drivers of Thailand for teaching me to accep...