이태원에서 삼각치까지 / From Itaewon to Samgakchi

I took a little afternoon stroll through Itaewon and on down to Samgakji Rotary. Some things are still there. Others are not. In the end, one little stroll through there was enough. The only reason for me to go back that way is if I make it over to the National Museum. For that, I'll use Ichon Subway Station, which is not that close to Itaewon or Samgakji. But it is close to the Han River Park that I haven't been to yet...

Always watching over you and me, the one and only Namsan Tower.

Waiting... Still waiting...

I don't think a cap that says "foreigner" is necessary.
I think my shiny bald head handles the job quite well.

Still there.

The baklava was excellent.
It served as my moon cake for the 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival.
The Turkish tea was surprisingly weak.
Maybe it was just that shop?

I'm on the hunt for a great song I heard on the radio.
I think this is the right singer.
Not sure about the song...

Found a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Itaewon.
It's okay, but nothing special like the one I found near Dongguk University.

We're going vertical...

End of the line for Stompers.

Grand Ole Opry is still there.

King Club is still there!!!

There used to be a Denny's on the second floor where A Twosome Place is now.
I used to perch up there with a cup of Lipton black tea.

Itaewon Subway Station

Hamilton Hotel is still there.

Breakfast. Uzbek bread with beef filling.


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